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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

The rolling and plunging motion made me nauseous. The vast desert nothingness is Christo’s blank canvas. We were staying at a hotel in the desert that looked like a mirage.

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  Since 1977, Christo and Jeanne-Claude had dreamed of The Mastaba, the  Mens 18th birthday boy man 2002 Level 18 years decoration gift T-Shirt  moreover I love this largest sculpture in the world, “the size of three New York City blocks,” he said, when he talked about it. Made from 410,000 multi-colored empty oil barrels, it would have been the only one of their projects that broke their rule of ephemerality. This was their pyramid, meant to be eternal. They always had two projects in the works at the same time, and when one got the go-ahead, they gave it their full attention. Christo and Jeanne-Claude were working on The Mastaba when she died     Official Mens 18th birthday boy man 2002 Level 18 years decoration gift T-Shirt Official Liquor The Glues Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Gift T-Shirt Official Liquor (Noun) The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Shirt Official Liquor (Noun) The Glue Holding This 2020 Shitshow Together Premium T-Shirt O...

Last Saturday, I witnessed you putting your body between police and protestors in Flatbush.

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  I got arrested a few times when I was younger, once for “blocking free movement.” I was waiting with my friends from the  Zooming Into 5th Grade Virtually Class Fifth Grade Vintage T-Shirt  in addition I really love this All-City High School Chorus to go to Rye Playland, we were waiting for the train and the cops came over and told us not to sit on the steps. We got up leaned back on a banister, waiting for the train, and the cops came back and said, “I thought I told you to move.” I was arrested, and my friends–some of them presented as white, and I remember the cop saying, “I should arrest them too, but I’m not.” It was very weird. Thankfully, because of conversations with my mom and that book, I did my best to get through it, which is what you have to do. It’s such a part of normal life when you’re black in this city, in this country.   Official Zooming Into 5th Grade Virtually Class Fifth Grade Vintage T-Shirt     Official Zooming Into 5th Grade Virtu...